23 November 2006

Glad to be rid of them but pity the Palestinians

I’ve been reading the comments to the article in the Jerusalem Post (referred to in my last post) about the South African Jewish Report’s refusal to publish Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils’ rebuttal of an article against him.

And I’m astonished! I know I shouldn’t be. But I am.

I’m astonished at the racism in those comments. They are nauseating and disgusting. Of course, being a South African and knowing what racism is, I suppose I shouldn’t feel this way. Being a Palestine solidarity activist and knowing about the racism perpetrated against the Palestinians by the Israelis, I shouldn’t feel like this. But I still do.

As I read the comments – particularly ones from ex-South Africans who now live in Israel, I thought to myself, “Thank God! We are rid of them!” And then I thought about how we are dumping our rough, unpolished and ugly exports on the poor Palestinian people – as if they didn’t have enough problems already. So I should apologise to all Palestinians for having to put up with these racists that gave us hell and now are giving them hell.

A few examples of racism and paranoia will illustrate my point (and for anyone that still doesn’t believe that Zionism is a form of racism, maybe this is an eye-opener?):

“South Africa is gradually slipping down the same slope as Mugabe's Zimbabwe. The writing is on the wall as the land grabbing process is beginning to take effect. The real South African, the Afrikaaner, laid the foundation for a prosperous country. However, the reverse is now occurring as the descendants of the pioneers withdraw to their laagers in order to survive.” - joel joseph – England

“The Irony is that SA is full of racial discrimination based on nothing but skin colour and this is enshrined in law. An educated black man from the USA could find a top job , the white man struggles. The current regime in SA, Kastril's regime has more in common with the Apartheid regime than Kastrils will admit. A genocide is taking place in SA where citizens with AIDS are left to die on a diet of Garlic & Onions. More people die every day in this genocide than in 50 years of Apartheid.” - RH – Israel

“Both the SABC and the complaints commission are run by Jihadists.” - Erwin W. - proudly anti -islam - South Africa

“Can you honestly say that any Black ruled African state is better off than when Whites ruled there. Yes, Colonialism was evil - it only brought education, training, trade and promise of a better future to the poor Black African. Yes, Apartheid was rotten. Remember, Simon, I fought it. But not for Mandela to bring Stalinazis like Kasrils and Jew-hate into their governments; nor an innocent pet killer like Mugabe. Better Ian Smith than the Black racist scum who now rule Zimbabwe.” – Amnon

“I used to oppose Apartheid, and was very vocal about it. Now, after Mandela and Tutu broke bread with the Nazis, oops, Communists and Arafat; after Mugabe's murderous excesses in Zimbabwe, I am truly sorry white rule ended. Even the Blacks were better off than having Mandela and this Jewish Kapo in charge. If the Boers were racists, then what do you call a Kapo and Judenrat servile servant of Stalin like Kasrils?” – Amnon

“Kasrils a communist like Joe Slovo (burined in a non-Jewish cemetry) chose the black cause and abandoned the Jews… I left South Africa 10 years ago.” - leah amdur – Israel

“the writing is on the wall for Jews in S. Africa. Get out while you can. You will never win against those who hate you-especially those in power.” - Choni Davidowitz

“Kasrils, Israel is and always will be a JEWISH state, for Jews first and anyone else second, period. Israel is not a nation of nations like USA. The palestinians are not our responsibility. You should be excommunicated.” - SCOTT KABAKOFF – USA

“Ronnie maybe you should rather work to stop the first real genocide of the 21st Century in Darfur....oops I cant see you taking on your Islamic fundamenatlist friends in the SA govt. You are just a coward and a disgrace to your fellow brethren.” – anton – Ex SA
"kasrils is a stick drek always was & still is he has the gutsper to call himself a yid he will be buried in soweto with the shochadica that he is" - dov ben slomo - south africa

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